Tag Archives: personal growth

The power of imperfection: How to be a great leader and still have bad days

Leadership in the hotel industry is a dynamic and challenging role, one that requires a balance of strength and vulnerability. It is easy to fall into the trap of thinking that leaders must always be in control, confident and unshakable, but the truth is that leaders are human too and they have bad days, just like anyone else. As a leader in the hotel industry, I have learned that it is important to be transparent and honest with my team, and to not be afraid to show my vulnerability.

One of the key responsibilities of a leader is to support and empower their associates. This means being available to listen and offer guidance, being willing to admit to their mistakes and actively working to create opportunities for personal and professional growth. A leader who supports and empowers their team members, creates a culture of trust and respect, which in turn allows for better communication and collaboration.

For example, early on in my career, I made a decision that ended up having a negative impact on my team’s performance. I was eager to prove myself and make a positive impact, so I implemented a new system for scheduling shifts without consulting all team members or getting their input. The system was confusing and difficult to use, and it led to a lot of mistakes and confusion among my team members.

Being a new manager, I was not aware of the consequences of my actions, and I quickly realized the negative impact of my decision. I immediately apologized to my team for my mistake, and acknowledged that my decision had affected their performance negatively. I took the time to listen to their feedback and to understand their perspective on the situation.

I then worked together with my team to develop a plan to improve the situation. We made changes to the scheduling system and provided additional training to my team members, to ensure that they were better equipped to use the new system.

I also recognized that my lack of consultation and lack of understanding of my team members perspective led to this poor decision, and I made sure to involve them more in decision-making processes and to better understand their perspective, so that I could make better decisions in the future.

From this experience, I learned that as a new manager, it’s important to involve my team members in decision-making processes and to understand their perspective on a situation before making a decision that affects them. I also learned that it’s important to take responsibility for my mistakes and to work with my team to find solutions to problems that arise from my decisions.

Being a leader also means being able to cope with stress and uncertainty. This means taking care of one’s well-being and being able to manage one’s time and energy effectively. A leader who takes care of themselves is better equipped to take care of their team and to lead by example.

It’s also important for leaders to lead by example and to be role models for ethical and responsible behavior. This means being transparent, accountable and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability. This not only helps to create a positive work environment but also helps to establish trust and respect with stakeholders.

In conclusion, being a leader in the hotel industry is a challenging role, and it is important for leaders to have a balance of strength and vulnerability. Being allowed to not be perfect means that leaders can support and empower their associates, create opportunities for personal and professional growth, take care of their own mental and emotional well-being, and lead by example.


  • Leadership is dynamic and challenging, and it is important for leaders to have a balance of strength and vulnerability.
  • Leaders are human, and it’s okay for them to show it
  • Leaders should support and empower their associates, create opportunities for personal and professional growth
  • Leaders should take care of their own mental and emotional well-being.
  • Leaders should lead by example, being transparent, accountable and fostering a culture of transparency and accountability.

The Power of Teamwork in the Hotel Industry

When it comes to providing exceptional service to guests, the hotel industry relies on the power of teamwork. From the moment a guest books their stay to the moment they check out, the staff at a hotel plays a crucial role in ensuring that their experience is memorable. And while individual employees may have their own areas of expertise, it’s the collaborative efforts of a team that truly make a hotel run like a well-oiled machine.

But why is teamwork so important in the hotel industry? Here are a few reasons:

  • Improved guest experience: When employees work together as a team, they are able to provide a better guest experience. I’ve seen firsthand how a team of front desk employees who communicate effectively and work together to resolve guest issues results in happy guests who are more likely to return to the hotel.
  • Increased productivity: When employees work together as a team, they are able to accomplish more than they would individually.
  • Better problem-solving: Teams are able to come up with more creative solutions to problems than individuals. When employees from different departments worked together to solve a difficult guest complaint, they came up with an innovative solution that not only satisfied the guest but also improved our hotel’s overall service.
  • Enhanced employee morale: When employees feel like they are part of a team and their contributions are valued, they are more motivated and satisfied with their job. When employees feel that they are part of a team and are recognized for their hard work, they are more motivated to continue to provide excellent service to our guests.
  • Cost savings: Teams can work together to identify areas where cost savings can be made.

So, how can hotel management foster a culture of teamwork within their organization? Here are a few tips:

  • Clearly define roles and responsibilities: Make sure each team member knows their role and what is expected of them. This helps to avoid confusion and ensures that everyone is working towards the same goals.
  • Encourage open communication: Create an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, concerns, and feedback. This helps to build trust and fosters a sense of collaboration.
  • Lead by example: Hotel management should model the behavior they expect from their team members and foster a positive work environment that promotes teamwork and collaboration.
  • Recognize and reward teamwork: Recognize and reward team members for their contributions to the team’s success. This helps to build a sense of pride and ownership among team members, which can lead to increased motivation and productivity.
  • Provide opportunities for training and development: Invest in your team members by providing them with opportunities for training and development. This helps to build a skilled and motivated team that is better equipped to work together effectively.
  • Celebrate successes: Take the time to celebrate the team’s successes, big or small. This helps to build a sense of camaraderie and promotes a positive work environment.
  • Encourage feedback and suggestions: Encourage team members to give feedback and suggestions on how to improve teamwork. And act on that feedback, this can help identify and solve issues that might be hindering teamwork.

In conclusion, teamwork is essential for the smooth operation and success of any hotel. By fostering open communication, a positive work environment, and opportunities for team-building, hotel management can create a culture of collaboration that benefits both the hotel and its guests.

Maison Kayser’s New Opening And A Friend’s Journey to Leadership

Nothing is more rewarding than seeing the people who worked for you and that you believe in succeed. One of my former employees recently returned to New York for a position as food & beverage management trainee at Maison Kayser, and now got promoted to manage its new opening in the Flatiron building. She invited me and my fiancée to the soft-opening to experience what the newest addition to the Maison Kayser portfolio would be all about and to give our feedback to the kitchen and service. She did well when working for me as a floor manager two years ago, and I expected her to do great that evening as well. 936383_516609218405802_1859384716_n I was taken with the food and service of Maison Kayser and can strongly recommend you trying it for lunch or dinner, or just to pick up some delicious pastry and bakery, but I was deeply impressed by her performance in managing the soft-opening and the many challenges that come with it. Most leaders in the making have a hard time evolving from being a micro-manager to delegating things to their employees, and letting go of control to empower and grow those around them. She graciously did the introduction, ensured we settled in well, and stepped back to let her people take over and be in control. A successful evening and a leader by heart! Continue reading Maison Kayser’s New Opening And A Friend’s Journey to Leadership

How Do You Get People To Like You

Working in the hotel industry just like any other service industry it’s all about people, it’s about one person respecting another person.

It’s about people trusting each other, because if there is no trust between people, efficiency and productivity will go down to zero.


Image courtesy of Ambro at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

So how do you get people to like you, or better yet, how do you get people to want to work with you and for you? And I am not talking about a popularity contest, I am talking about respecting another person, respecting his or her values and beliefs. Continue reading How Do You Get People To Like You

Are You Really Busy or Just Lazy?

Being busy is just another form of laziness!

‘Excuse me? I am running around the entire day putting out fires and getting things done!’ This would have most likely been my response to above statement just two years ago when working more than 12 hours a day and seven days a week. Two years ago I honestly believed that I added value every minute of all those extra hours worked.

As Tim Ferris describes it in The 4-Hour Workweek ‘Being busy is a form of laziness – lazy thinking and indiscriminate action’, and what this means is that being busy is only a sign of not being able to prioritize tasks and being able to focus on the important stuff.

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Continue reading Are You Really Busy or Just Lazy?

How to Get Promoted in 3 Steps

You are eager to get promoted and move on to the next step. You are constantly comparing yourself to your peers, are impatient about your own job situation and cannot wait for something exciting in your career to happen. You want to get promoted!


Image courtesy of dream designs at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Every once in a while when your personal life calms down a little and work isn’t as busy for a change, you’ll get the feeling that it’s time for something new… that you’re standing still and that something new and exciting needs to happen for you! Continue reading How to Get Promoted in 3 Steps

How To Make Feedback Effective

Giving and receiving feedback can be a gift, as it can help you build or strengthen a relationship, if done right, or it can damage a relation, or be career hindering and de-motivating.


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Concerns with giving & receiving feedback:

When receiving feedback our potential concerns are that we fear criticism or our reaction to feedback and that we are nervous about having to hear something that might make us feel uncomfortable. When giving feedback we could fear that we hurt the other person’s feelings or that the other person might get defensive… and just like when receiving feedback, we could be nervous about giving it. Continue reading How To Make Feedback Effective

You Are The CEO of You!

Congratulations on being the CEO of what should be the most important corporation for you, congratulations on being the CEO of ‘You’! Understanding yourself as a business, that requires planning, investment and exercise is the foundation for a balanced and fulfilling professional and personal ‘career’.


Image courtesy of imagerymajestic at FreeDigitalPhotos.Net

What’s important to keep in mind as the CEO of ‘Yourself, Inc.’: Continue reading You Are The CEO of You!

Who Else Wants to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Hospitality?

Is work-life balance a loanword in hospitality?


Image courtesy by Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I took me about eight years to understand the importance of work-life balance in hospitality and that it’s not just a myth. Continue reading Who Else Wants to Achieve Work-Life Balance in Hospitality?

How to Make the Most Out of Your Review

Getting a review can help you develop and grow or be a complete waste of time for you and your boss.


Image courtesy by Jeroen van Oostrom at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I remember getting my first reviews and I was eager to receive ‘exceed expectations’ for every single one of them without understanding the true importance of it. I must have received over ten excellent reviews since the beginning of my career until about four years ago when my boss at that time gave me a ‘met expectations’ only on my review, and went on to tell me that he believes in me and wants to help me to get better. He tried to explain to me the true value of a good review and that it’s not just a process for him. Continue reading How to Make the Most Out of Your Review

8 Reasons Why You Should Start Cross-Training Now

You’re conducting the daily pre-shift meetings and your employees cannot stop complaining about the other departments and venting their frustrations. You feel that the lack of trust between your departments makes progress and greatness impossible. No matter how well you’re trying to explain how the other departments work and what their challenges are, your employees don’t want to hear you.


If this sounds familiar to you, cross-training is the right solution for you! Continue reading 8 Reasons Why You Should Start Cross-Training Now

If You Want to Grow Fast, Step Out of Your Bubble!

Your bubble is your worst enemy! I am talking about your bubble of comfort, or simply put your comfort zone.


Image courtesy of graur razvan ionut at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

This is the place that you feel most comfortable, and it’s the area where you know exactly what to do and what not to – chances for you to make mistakes are very small, if you just remain there! Continue reading If You Want to Grow Fast, Step Out of Your Bubble!

Take care of the Big Rocks first

‘The Big Rocks’ theory is by far one of my favorite lessons in leadership, and it took me some time to really understand. I am sure that you must have heard about this story in some way shape or form before, but there is a difference between just hearing and understanding it, and truly believing in it.

My boss loved to tell me his lessons in leadership in vivid stories, some of them made sense right at the beginning, some of them needed lots of fine tuning, and some are better off never told again.

Regardless of how busy I thought I was in my role as housekeeping manager in a unionized property putting out the fires of the day to day while making everyone happy in being always responsive and helpful, my boss reminded me at the end of each day that I accomplished nothing, as I did not do anything to make anything better for the next day. He said that I was so focused on the small rocks that I could not possible take care of the big ones.


Image courtesy of dan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net Continue reading Take care of the Big Rocks first